My husband has been preparing to take a major test and soon it will all be over! Our biggest hope is that he will pass and this may be a HUGE change for us. I have learned as he has been preparing for this test how little people know about this test and how much of a difference it can make. I didn't know anything about the test until he signed up to take it. Now I realize that this has the potential to change our lives (for the better). He is only taking the first level of three right now, but even passing this first level will make him SO much more appealing when applying to companies... which means he'd be ten times more likely to find a new job that would make it so we could be miles closer to fulfilling our dream of owning a home. So I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and anything else I can cross! He's been studying and working so hard for this... please oh please let him do well... we won't find out until mid-January... so we'll see!!!
Korean Beef Bowls
6 years ago
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